Serving Edmond, North OKC, Guthrie, OK

Lawn Aeration

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Lawn Aeration Guthrie, OKLawn aeration is the secret weapon in making your lawn healthy. It involves making holes in the lawn by pushing a rod into the soil. Core aeration is an effective strategy for remedying compact soil. We recommend that aeration must be conducted at least once a year. Using our professional aerators, 0ur trained employees will aerate your lawn in an overlapping pattern to maximize the results. Our unique approach helps you get the full benefits and not just half measures.

Benefits of Lawn Aeration

By aerating your lawn, you provide the following benefits to your lawn and its root system:

  • Oxygen gets to the roots and the soil allowing it to “breathe.”
  • Fertilizers and nutrients get access to the root system.
  • Great bed for overseeding, giving you great seed to soil contact
  • Water is able to better soak the soil and reach the root system.
  • Helps to break up the thatch.
  • Tight, compacted soil is loosened up, allowing the root system to grow.

The best times to aerate your lawn are the spring and fall. If you have warm season grass in your lawn, spring is preferable because the grass is gearing up for rapid growth, and can recover quickly from aeration. Cool season lawns grow most vigorously in the early fall, so that is a prime time to aerate them. You should avoid aerating in the heat of summer, or if your lawn is very dry. Plan on giving your lawn a good watering two days before you want to aerate.

Some lawns are better candidates for aeration than others. Lawns growing in clay soils usually need aeration more frequently because the clay compacts easily.

Lawns can often put up a barrier that seems impenetrable. This is often because of the development of thick thatch over time that stops fertilizers, water, and oxygen from making it to the grassroots. Aeration is one of the best things you can do for your lawn. This is an easy way to improve your lawn's health. By aerating just once or twice a year, you can ensure that your lawn’s roots are strong. You will see the result of healthy roots every time you look outside: an emerald green carpet of thriving grass.

Your Lawn Aeration Professionals

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to soil aeration. However, you need skilled lawn care professionals to handle the job. If you are looking for the best lawn and landscape maintenance services, call us! For more details about our solutions, please call Damon Johnson, Inc at 405-341-7998 or write to us through our Online Form, and we will call you back shortly. We offer timely and expert lawn aeration services to commercial and residential clients in and around Edmond, OK.

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